A Pause on Blogging

Hi All,

I know it’s been awhile. I think what made it so long since I last posted was because of how busy I got. As much as I love blogging about books and telling everyone about the latest ones that I love– it all became a bit much.

Rather than cutting this out of my life entirely, I encourage you to follow me on my Bookstagram @thewrittenadventure or on my Goodreads. I promise to be much more active there (and be able to dedicate more time to writing and perfecting reviews.)

For publicists, authors, and publishers, please feel free to still reach out to my email: thewrittenadventure@gmail.com. I’d still love to work with you on promoting books.

There might come a time where I begin to start blogging again, but as of right now, I think scaling back will work better for me. Thank you for understanding and I look forward to seeing you all on Goodreads and Instagram!

The Written Adventure

Book Review: The Similars

Author: Rebecca Hanover
Stars: 4.5 /5
Recommended to: Fans of science fiction, fans of fiction

I know this novel comes out in almost a year from now, but I need a sequel like right now.

A mixture of science fiction wrapped up in a teenager’s world at boarding school. This novel was so unique and interesting that I had to finish it in one sitting.Read More »

Book Review: Terror is Our Business: Dana Roberts’ Casebook of Horrors

Author: Joe and Kasey Lansdale
Pages: 230
Stars: 4/5
Recommended to: fans of paranormal stories, and paranormal fiction fans

I was reached out to by Lauren from Smith Publicity to read two novels from their authors. The first one I started, because it really piqued my interest, was Terror is Our Business: Dana Roberts’ Casebook of Horrors.  Written in the third person, this novel is very unique from others that I have read in the past. As an avid fan of paranormal events, and a huge fan of shows like Ghost Adventures, I knew that I had to read this.Read More »

Book Review: The Future Will be BS Free

Author: Will McIntosh
Pages: 352
Publisher: Random House Children’s
Stars: 3.5/5
Recommended to: Fans of political novels, fans of dystopian novels, fans of 1984.
To be Published on: July 24th, 2018


In a dystopian near-future America, Sam and his friends have been using their  free time to work on a reliable lie detector. For Theo, it’s about creating a better world where no one can lie.

Just when they finish their lie detector, and turn down an offer to sell it to what appears to be a huge corporation, full of “serious people” Theo is murdered after Sam refuses to sell the device, so he sets his sights on exposing everyone accountable.

They now face a difficult question: Is the world capable of operating without lies, or are lies what hold it together?Read More »

Book Review: Grace and Fury

Author: Tracy Banghart
Stars: 5/5
Recommended to: fans of fiction, fans of feminist main characters
To Be Published On: July 31st, 2018

This book was utterly amazing and I need the sequel right this second. I read this book in one day (around 3/4 hours) and oh my goodness, I wish I could wipe my brain and read it all over again from the start. When Hunger Games meets Shadow and Bone, you get Grace and Fury.
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Book Review: The Romanov Empress

Author: C.W Gortner
Stars: 4/5
Recommended to: Fans of the Romanovs, and historical fiction fans

On a whim, I clicked the “wish for it” button on Netgalley, soon after I received an email telling me that my wish was granted.

Though I have always been infatuated with the tale of Anastasia, I didn’t know much about her grandmother, The Dowager Empress. This novel goes through the various stages that Maria Feodorovna goes through. First, her childhood as a Danish girl, her engagement with the Russian royalty, and her marriage, and then as the Empress, watching over her children as they take on their own roles.Read More »

Book Review: Fawkes

Author: Nadine Brandes
Stars: 4.5/5
Recommended to: fans of fantasy, fans of historical fiction
To be published on: July 10th, 2018

Thomas wants to be able to be just like his father, Guy. The only problem? He hasn’t heard from his father in years and he is the famous Guy Fawkes. At times he even wonders if his father is who he says he is. In this world, one can control certain things based on what color their magic is tied to. Thomas wants the power of grey, the only problem? He has a plague, not the Bubonic plague, but something worse. It’s slowly turning him into stone. Will he be able to be bound to his color power in time, or will his plague make him not able to bond with it, and kill him?

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